TIE Fighter (T/F)

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The TIE Fighter is a typical hit and run ship. Due to the fact that the T/F is fast but can't take a lot of hits you ought to start targeting from a 2.0 distance and shoot till 1.7 clicks. You should link your lasers and recharge them to maximum to do that. If you targeted good you will get your opponent from this distance, because one single hit can kill a T/F. Remember, your opponent will do the same if he is good, so don't fly too long in a straight line, you need to practice to know when it is time to dodge. DODGE does only mean to do a slight move to one side. The timing to do that is the difficult thing. The slighter your move is, the faster you will be able to target your opponent again and shoot him down. If your hit and dodge didn't affect your opponent until a distance of less than 0.8 clicks you should turn lasers to single fire and finish him off. If your opponent flew past you, you got to get into a fast turn to finish him off. For a clean turn, you should have at least a distance of 0.25 clicks to your opponent, you can get this distance by turning to either one side sharp down in a fast spin. If you can't get away from him this far while spinning around with him, shut down laser full to engines, so you will increase distance. Remember, you can't do that too long, because your lasers will be fast empty and the distance you reached won't help you if you got nothing to fire with. Don't try to turn before you reach this distance, because you maybe will ram him and kill him with that, but you will die, too. Most players can't await to finish such a spinning around, so if you can't get the distance to face back your opponent, keep spinning around with him, maybe he can't await it and will get off to look for another target, so you can get him easily from his side. upward

YT-2000 (CORT) TIE Interceptor (T/I)